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the idea of somebody’s doing
太不象话了  detail>>
have somebody doing something
让某人一直在干某事 让某人一直做某事  detail>>
with somebody doing something
表示正在进行 宾补与宾语之间是主谓关系  detail>>
toy with the idea of doing
心里正盘算着  detail>>
 n.  有相当身分的人,重要人物。 think oneself to be (a) somebody 自以为是个大人物。 nobodies posing as some...  detail>>
at the idea of
一想起....就  detail>>
 n.  1.主意;念头;思想;计划,打算;意见。 2.想像,模糊想法。 3.【哲学】理念,理性概念,观念;【心理学】表像。 4.【音乐】主...  detail>>
 n.  1.做,干,实行。 2.〔 pl.〕 行为,行动,举动,活动,所作所为。 3.〔俚语〕所需要的东西。 4.〔 pl.〕〔方言〕做菜...  detail>>
to be doing
进行主动式  detail>>
love somebody hate somebody
爱一个人恨一个人  detail>>
somebody frozen by somebody
某人被某人冻结(防守)  detail>>
be worth doing be worthy of doing
值得  detail>>
doing nothing is doing ill
无所事事,必干坏事  detail>>
doing well by doing good
行善得福  detail>>
prefer doing a to doing
宁愿做某事  detail>>
prefer doing a to doing b
宁愿做某事  detail>>
above somebody
深奥  detail>>
agree with somebody
同意某人的意见  detail>>